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Special Interest and Community Service Sodality (SICS) has its origins back in mid 2006 where a group of like-minded individuals comprising leaders of the various Special Interests and Community Service clubs – then known as SA clubs – came together with the common vision of putting in place a system to better manage this cluster of clubs which did not fall under the Arts nor Sports arena, and to lend these clubs a greater voice of representation at the Students Association level, so as to provide them with greater operational, financial and administrative support.

Our Clusters


The Lifestyle cluster comprises of clubs which promote a myriad of lifestyle options to SMU students ranging from fine dining to healthy living.



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Personal Development

Personal Development cluster consists of clubs which seek to nurture and enhance the soft skills of SMU students by providing numerous opportunities for personal growth and development.

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Social Gaming

The Social Gaming cluster promotes card games, board games and computer games for both recreational and competitive purposes and also provide opportunities for gaming enthusiasts to nurture their skills. Most importantly, the cluster provides various activities for all SMU students to come together to have fun. 

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Social Causes

The Social Causes cluster consists of clubs which contribute to a particular social cause of their choice. Causes promoted range from animal welfare, women’s rights and environmental conservation by SMU People For Animal Welfare (PAW), SMU Women’s Connection and SMU Verts respectively to social entrepreneurship.

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Community Service

The Community Service Cluster consists of community service clubs that look to improve the welfare of the community by supporting and spearheading community service projects. This provides the SMU student population with multiple platforms to reach out to the less privileged in the society. 

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Management Committee

To improve our credibility as a Constituent Body (CBd), we strive to engage in club activities and establishing a strong communication channel with the clubs. We aim to guide these clubs towards excellence status and by implementing and enforcing policies which serve to protect the interest of the clubs in the long run.

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